Sunday, March 27, 2011

Have you ever wished you were someone else!

Have you ever wished you were someone else!
We all have wished at some point.
We always get attracted toward the external charm and this attraction is always miscellaneous. Before we get attracted toward this miscellaneous charm, we have faith on our capabilities.
But it's Human Nature.
We all get attracted toward people around us.  Looking life in that someone perspective is always fascinating. But we forget that the body, mind and circumstances we were born with even if they seem imperfect to us can all be used to create a beautiful and meaningful life.
 The choice is always ours, continue to wish or accept and improve upon the gifts we have been given.

Love is all AROUND.

Love is an extremely complicated topic, and perspectives on it can vary from the cynical to the optimistic. However, there is no denying that
Love for ones country keeps that country strong;
Love for one's family keeps that family together;
Love with one's partner keeps a relationship strong.

Whenever one gets gloomy with the state of the world, one can think about the arrivals gate at an Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but one may not see that. It seems that love is everywhere. Often, it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love.

If one looks for it... love, actually, is all around.

L ♥ve Letter

My dear FAIR and LOVELY (ek chand ka tukda) , after WIPRO (Applying Thought) so much, I dare to say that you are my TVS SCOOTY (First love) and my AIWA (Pure passion). I always BPL (Believe in the best) and you are SANSUI (Better than the best). You are DOMINO'S PIZZA (Delivering a million smiles) for me. This is a COLGATE ENERGY GEL (Seriously fresh) feeling for me.

I want you to be my life partner but I think you are worried about your father who is KAWASAKI BAJAJ CALIBER (The Unshakable) and my father who is CEAT (Born Tough) but don't worry as I am also FORD ICON (The Josh Machine) and rest of our family members are KELVINATORS (The Coolest ones).

If they say no, we will run away and marry and PHILIPS (Let's Make Things Better). They will feel MIRINDA (Zor ka jhatka dhire se lage) but I believe in COCA COLA (Jo chahe ho jaye) . For our marriage SAMSUNG DIGITALL (Everyone's Invited) and after marriage we'll be WHIRLPOOL (U and ME - The World's best homemakers)

Trust in God who's always NOKIA (Connecting people) who love each other. And we are WILLS (Made for each other). Now that HYUNDAI (we are listening) the song of love, you must know that love is DAIRY MILK (Real taste of life), SATYAM ONLINE (Fun, Fast, Easy) and PARX (Always Comfortable). So never forget me. Ok bye!

I wrote little but PEPSI (Yeh dil mange more).

LG (Digitally Yours)!!!!!
bye bye

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Funny Java Script

Copy and paste this java script in your address bar and press enter.
javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true';document.designMode='on';void 0
This is a funny computer trick to modify any(and i mean any) page on the Internet.
But the page will remain as modified till the next relaod.

Monday, December 20, 2010

There is no THERE, there is only HERE

                                 There is no THERE, there is only HERE

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Post For all my school mates from JNV Pandoh

When I'm alone and I start revisiting pages of my memory about my past, the most time I'm at my school and like a mad person i start laughing , sometime crying, sometime I go deeper and deeper in my thoughts that i start imagining a virtual world where I'm doing the things which i could not do due to one or other reason.
What a wonderful life was that!!
And more interesting, whenever I meet my school friends, I noticed one thing. We are still same for each other, nothing changed. I used to think that maybe life has given new name and meaning to the feelings which we used to have when we were together. We are calling each other by the same old interesting and funny names. How's it possible?
I THINK answer to this question lies in a simple trait of human behavior. When a group of people face a life threatening and emotionally exaustive situation, they tend to develop a highly cordial relationship and great respect for each other. THATS WHAT HAPPENNED AT JNV.
Okay lets play a game.
Okay, come on, close your eyes for a moment and go back to the day we were about to enter the gate of the school for first time. All alone, with memories of home, family and friends. Some of us were scared. Some were weeping like never before. Think of those morning PT's and attendences which were not easily adjustable with our daily routines. Think of the fear of Bhaeji/Didiji. Think of your first week, for some of you, your first month, for some of you, your 6th/9th class, when you were unchanged same as you were at your home. Now think of your class mates who were around you, who were your family now walking through same phase of life like you. Have you done?
Okay, Now close your eyes again and just fast forward your life to present day, thinking of all memorable moments you had at school and open your eyes. I'm sure you would be finding so many faces. You may be sitting this time with one of the face you have seen. You are Lucky that you are still together. The faces you have seen are your FRIENDS FOR FOREVER.
I miss my friends most, Like everyone of you. I miss enjoying the sunday morning and most awaited saturday night. I miss playing cricket, laughing at each other, mimickering teachers. I miss morning PT, jumping the gate without permission, planning for the cricket matches, sleeping in preps, wearing clothes of friends, I miss crying, i miss my friends appreciating me, humaliating me, making excuses. I MAY GO WRITING PAGES . I miss my whole ADVENTUROUS DAY there.
Mostly I miss the way my friends completed me, because they defined me in my life.
Miss you all.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Google 12th Birthday

Its Google 12th birthday today...
The company was started in September 1998 by Stanford graduate students Sergey Brin and Larry Page and now everyone knows what GOOGLE means....
If you still dont know, find it in Oxford English Dictionary or GOOGLE it :)
Do you know about "Doodle 4 Google,"?
Its a competition in which students submit their own original designs for the homepage, and winners are awarded scholarships.
Todays Doodle 4 Google is

You liked this na...... then wish happy birthday to Google... :)
Wishing a bright future for the Company.....